How We Generate JavaScript and Python SDKs From Our Canonical Rust SDK


Silas Marvin

July 11, 2023


The tools we have created at PostgresML are powerful and flexible. There are almost an infinite number of ways our tools can be utilized to power vector search, model inference, and much more. Like many companies before us, we want our users to have the benefits of our tools without the drawbacks of reading through expansive documentation, so we built an SDK.

We are huge fans of Rust (almost our entire codebase is written in it), and we find that using it as our primary language allows us to write safer code and iterate through our development cycles faster. However, the majority of our users currently work in languages like Python and JavaScript. There would be no point making an SDK for Rust, when no one would use it. After much deliberation, we finalized the following requirements for our SDK:

  1. It must be available natively in multiple languages
  2. All languages must have identical behavior to the canonical Rust implementation
  3. Adding new languages should only include minimal overhead


TLDR we are building macros that convert vanilla Rust to compatible Pyo3 and Neon Rust, which is then further converted to native Python and JavaScript modules.

What is Wrong With FFIs

The first requirement of our SDK is that it is available natively in multiple languages, and the second is that it is written in Rust. At first glance, this seems like a contradiction, but there is a very well known system for writing functions in one language and using them in another known as FFIs (foreign function interfaces). In terms of our SDK, we could utilize FFIs by writing the core logic of our SDK in Rust, and calling our Rust functions through FFIs from the language of our choice. This unfortunately does not provide the utility we desire. Take for example the following Python code:

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class Database:
def __init__(self, connection_string: str):
# Create some connection
async def vector_search(self, query: str, model_id: int, splitter_id: int) -> str:
# Do some async search here
return result
async def main():
result = await db.vector_search("What is the best way to do machine learning", 1, 1)
if result != "PostgresML":
print("The model still needs more training")
print("The model is ready to go!")

One of the requirement of our SDK is that we write it in Rust. Specifically, in this instance, the class Database and its methods should be written in Rust and utilized in Python through FFIs. Unfortunately, doing this in Rust alone is not possible. There are two limitations we cannot surpass in the above code:

  • FFI's have no concept of Python classes
  • FFI's have no concept of Python async

We could write our own Python wrapper around our FFI, but that would go against requirement 3: Adding new languages should only include minimal overhead. Translating every update from our Rust SDK into a wrapper for each language we add is not minimal overhead.

Enter pyO3 and Neon

Pyo3 and Neon are Rust crates that help with building native modules for Python and JavaScript. They provide systems that allow us to write Rust code that can seamlessly interact with async code and native classes in Python and JavaScript, bypassing the limitations that vanilla FFIs imposed.

Let's take a look at some Rust code that creates a Python class with Pyo3 and a JavaScript class with Neon. For ease of use, let's say we have the following struct in Rust:

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struct Database{
connection_string: String
impl Database {
pub fn new(connection_string: String) -> Self {
// The actual connection process has been removed
Self {
pub async fn vector_search(&self, query: String, model_id: i64, splitter_id: i64) -> String {
// Do some async vector search

Here is the code augmented to work with Pyo3 and Neon:

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use pyo3::prelude::*;
struct Database{
connection_string: String
impl Database {
pub fn new(connection_string: String) -> Self {
// The actual connection process has been removed
Self {
pub fn vector_search<'a>(&self, py: Python<'a>, query: String, model_id: i64, splitter_id: i64) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> {
pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move {
// Do some async vector search
/// A Python module implemented in Rust.
fn pgml(_py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {

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use neon::prelude::*;
struct Database{
connection_string: String
impl Database {
pub fn new<'a>(mut cx: FunctionContext<'a>) -> JsResult<'a, JsObject> {
// The actual connection process has been removed
let arg0 = cx.argument::(0usize as i32)?;
let arg0 = ::from_js_type(&mut cx, arg0)?;
let x = Self {
connection_string: arg0
x.into_js_result(&mut cx)
pub fn vector_search<'a>(mut cx: FunctionContext<'a>) -> JsResult<'a, JsPromise> {
let this = cx.this();
let s: neon::handle::Handle<
> = this.get(&mut cx, "s")?;
let wrapped = (*s).deref().borrow();
let wrapped = wrapped.wrapped.clone();
let arg0 = cx.argument::(0)?;
let arg0 = ::from_js_type(&mut cx, arg0)?;
let arg1 = cx.argument::(1);
let arg1 = ::from_js_type(&mut cx, arg1);
let arg2 = cx.argument::(2);
let arg2 = ::from_js_type(&mut cx, arg2);
let channel =;
let (deferred, promise) = cx.promise();
move |mut cx| {
// Do some async vector search
result.into_js_result(&mut cx)
.expect("Error sending js");
fn into_js_result<'a, 'b, 'c: 'b, C: Context<'c>>(self, cx: &mut C) -> JsResult<'b, Self::Output> {
let obj = cx.empty_object();
let s = cx.boxed(std::cell::RefCell::new(self));
obj.set(cx, "s", s)?;
let f: Handle = JsFunction::new(
obj.set(cx, "new", f)?;
let f: Handle = JsFunction::new(
impl neon::types::Finalize for Database {}
/// A JavaScript module implemented in Rust.
fn main(mut cx: ModuleContext) -> NeonResult<()> {
cx.export_function("newDatabase", Database::new)?;

Automatically Converting Vanilla Rust to py03 and Neon compatible Rust

We have successfully written a native Python and JavaScript module in Rust. However, our goal is far from complete. Our desire is to write our SDK once in Rust, and make it available in any language we target. While the above made it available in Python and JavaScript, it is both no longer a valid Rust library, and required a bunch of manual edits to make available in both languages.

Really what we want is to write our Rust library without worrying about any translation, and apply some macros that auto convert into what Pyo3 and Neon need. This sounds like a perfect use for procedural macros. If you are unfamiliar with macros I really recommend reading The Little Book of Rust Macros it is free, a quick read, and provides an awesome introduction to macros.

We are creating a flow that looks like the following: rust-macros-flow-chart.jpg

Let's slightly edit the struct we defined previously:

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struct Database{
connection_string: String
impl Database {
pub fn new(connection_string: String) -> Self {
// The actual connection process has been removed
Self {
pub async fn vector_search(&self, query: String, model_id: i64, splitter_id: i64) -> String {
// Do some async vector search

Notice that there are two new macros we have not seen before: custom_derive_class and custom_derive_methods. Both of these are macros we have written.

custom_derive_class creates wrappers for our Database struct. Let's show the expanded code our custom_derive_class generates:

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struct DatabasePython {
wrapped: Database
impl From for DatabasePython {
fn from(w: Database) -> Self {
Self { wrapped: w }
struct DatabaseJavascript {
wrapped: Database
impl From for DatabaseJavascript {
fn from(w: Database) -> Self {
Self { wrapped: w }
impl IntoJsResult for Database {
type Output = neon::types::JsObject;
fn into_js_result<'a, 'b, 'c: 'b, C: neon::context::Context<'c>>(
cx: &mut C,
) -> neon::result::JsResult<'b, Self::Output> {

There are a couple important things happening here:

  1. Our custom_derive_class macro creates a new struct for each language we target.
  2. The derived Python struct automatically implements pyclass
  3. Because Neon does not have a version of the pyclass macro, we implement our own trait IntoJsResult to do some conversions between vanilla Rust types and Neon Rust

Creating a macro like the above is actually incredibly simple. The code below shows how it is done for the Python variant.

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pub fn custom_derive(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let parsed = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput);
let name_ident = format_ident!("{}Python", parsed.ident);
let wrapped_type_ident = parsed.ident;
let expanded = quote! {
pub struct #name_ident {
wrapped: #wrapped_type_ident

Let's look at the expanded code our custom_derive_methods macro produces when used on the Database struct:

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impl DatabasePython {
pub fn new(connection_string: String) -> Self {
// The actual connection process has been removed
pub fn vector_search<'a>(&self, py: Python<'a>, query: String, model_id: i64, splitter_id: i64) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> {
let wrapped = self.wrapped.clone();
pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move {
// Do some async vector search
let x = wrapped.vector_search(query, model_id, splitter_id).await;
impl DatabaseJavascript {
pub fn new<'a>(
mut cx: neon::context::FunctionContext<'a>,
) -> neon::result::JsResult<'a, JsObject> {
let arg0 = cx.argument::(0usize as i32)?;
let arg0 = ::from_js_type(&mut cx, arg0)?;
let x = Database::new(&arg0);
let x = x.expect("Error in rust method");
let x = Self::from(x);
x.into_js_result(&mut cx)
pub fn vector_search<'a>(
mut cx: neon::context::FunctionContext<'a>,
) -> neon::result::JsResult<'a, neon::types::JsPromise> {
use neon::prelude::*;
use core::ops::Deref;
let this = cx.this();
let s: neon::handle::Handle<
> = this.get(&mut cx, "s")?;
let wrapped = (*s).deref().borrow();
let wrapped = wrapped.wrapped.clone();
let arg0 = cx.argument::(0)?;
let arg0 = ::from_js_type(&mut cx, arg0)?;
let arg1 = cx.argument::(1);
let arg1 = ::from_js_type(&mut cx, arg1);
let arg2 = cx.argument::(2);
let arg2 = ::from_js_type(&mut cx, arg2);
let channel =;
let (deferred, promise) = cx.promise();
move |mut cx| {
let runtime = crate::get_or_set_runtime();
let x = runtime.block_on(wrapped.vector_search(&arg0, arg1, arg2));
let x = x.expect("Error in rust method");
x.into_js_result(&mut cx)
.expect("Error sending js");
impl IntoJsResult for DatabaseJavascript {
type Output = neon::types::JsObject;
fn into_js_result<'a, 'b, 'c: 'b, C: neon::context::Context<'c>>(
cx: &mut C,
) -> neon::result::JsResult<'b, Self::Output> {
use neon::object::Object;
let obj = cx.empty_object();
let s = cx.boxed(std::cell::RefCell::new(self));
obj.set(cx, "s", s)?;
let f: neon::handle::Handle = neon::types::JsFunction::new(
obj.set(cx, "new", f)?;
let f: neon::handle::Handle = neon::types::JsFunction::new(
obj.set(cx, "vector_search", f)?;
impl neon::types::Finalize for DatabaseJavascript {}

You will notice this is very similar to code we have showed already except the DatabaseJavascript and DatabasePython structs just call their respective methods on the Database struct.

How does the macro actually work? We can break the custom_derive_methods macro code generation into three distinct phases:

  • Method destruction
  • Signature translation
  • Method reconstruction

Method Destruction

Utilizing the syn crate we parse the impl block of the Database struct and iterate over the individual methods parsing them into our own type:

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pub struct GetImplMethod {
pub exists: bool,
pub method_ident: Ident,
pub is_async: bool,
pub method_arguments: Vec<(String, SupportedType)>,
pub receiver: Option,
pub output_type: OutputType,

Here SupportType and OutputType are our custom enums of types we support, looking something like:

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pub enum SupportedType {
HashMap((Box, Box)),
S, // Self
// Other omitted types
pub enum OutputType {

Signature Translation

We must translate the signature into the Rust code Pyo3 and Neon expects. This means adjusting the arguments, async declaration, and output type. This is actually extraordinarily simple now that we have destructed the method. For instance, here is a simple example of translating the output type for Python:

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fn convert_output_type(
ty: &SupportedType,
method: &GetImplMethod,
) -> (
) {
if method.is_async {
Some(quote! {PyResult<&'a PyAny>})
} else {
let ty = t
Some(quote! {PyResult<#ty>})

Method Reconstruction

Now we have all the information we need to reconstruct the methods in the format Pyo3 and Neon need to create native modules.

The actual reconstruction is quite boring, mostly filled with a bunch of if else statements writing and combining token streams using the quote crate, so we will omit it for brevity's sake. For the curious, here is a link to our actual implementation: github.

The entirety of the above three phases can be summed up with this extraordinarily abstract function (Python specific though it is almost identical for JavaScript):

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fn do_custom_derive(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let parsed_methods = parse_methods(input);
let mut methods = Vec::new();
for method in parsed_methods {
// Destructure Method
let destructured = destructure(method);
// Translate Signature
let signature = convert_signature(&destructured);
// Restructure Method
let method = create_method(&destructured, &signature);
// This is the actual Rust impl block we are generating
proc_macro::TokenStream::from(quote! {
impl DatabasePython {

Closing and Future Endeavors

All of the above to show how we are simultaneously creating a native Rust, Python, and JavaScript library. There are quirks to the above methods, but we are still actively developing and improving on our designs.

While our macros are currently specialized for the specific use cases we have, we are exploring the idea of generalizing and pushing them out as their own crate to help everyone write native libraries in Rust and the languages of their choosing. We're also planning to add support for more languages, and we'd love to hear feedback on your language of choice.

Thanks for reading!

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