
id: d94a4fa9-f2b3-4be2-b78e-2078a4f5ee23
BigQuery SQL with dates as ( select (case when @interval = 'hourly' then timestamp_sub(current_timestamp(), interval 1 hour) when @interval = 'daily' then timestamp_sub(current_timestamp(), interval 7 day) when @interval = 'minutely' then timestamp_sub(current_timestamp(), interval 60 minute) end) as start ), chart_counts as ( select (case when @interval = 'hourly' then timestamp_trunc(f0.timestamp, hour) when @interval = 'daily' then timestamp_trunc(f0.timestamp, day) when @interval = 'minutely' then timestamp_trunc(f0.timestamp, minute) end ) as timestamp, COUNTIF(REGEXP_CONTAINS(f2.path, '/rest')) as total_rest_requests, COUNTIF(REGEXP_CONTAINS(f2.path, '/storage')) as total_storage_requests, COUNTIF(REGEXP_CONTAINS(f2.path, '/auth')) as total_auth_requests, COUNTIF(REGEXP_CONTAINS(f2.path, '/realtime')) as total_realtime_requests, FROM dates, `` as f0 LEFT JOIN UNNEST(metadata) AS f1 ON TRUE LEFT JOIN UNNEST(f1.request) AS f2 ON TRUE where REGEXP_CONTAINS(f2.url, @project) AND f0.timestamp >= dates[0] -- project = @project GROUP BY timestamp ) SELECT datetime(chart_counts.timestamp, 'UTC') as timestamp, COALESCE(SUM(chart_counts.total_rest_requests), 0) as total_rest_requests, COALESCE(SUM(chart_counts.total_storage_requests), 0) as total_storage_requests, COALESCE(SUM(chart_counts.total_auth_requests), 0) as total_auth_requests, COALESCE(SUM(chart_counts.total_realtime_requests), 0) as total_realtime_requests, FROM chart_counts GROUP BY timestamp ORDER BY timestamp asc;
  • max rows: 1000
  • caching: 900 seconds
  • cache warming: 300 seconds
  • query sandboxing: disabled

Call your endpoint

curl "http://localhost:4000/api/endpoints/query/d94a4fa9-f2b3-4be2-b78e-2078a4f5ee23"
\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'
\ -G -d "project=VALUE" -d "interval=VALUE"
# By name
curl "http://localhost:4000/api/endpoints/usage.api-counts"
\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'
\ -G -d "project=VALUE" -d "interval=VALUE"